Word-Filled Women's Ministry

Loving and Serving the Church

Used with permission. In partnership with Crossway.


Gloria Furman (MACE, Dallas Theological Seminary) lives in the Middle East where her husband, Dave, serves as the pastor of Redeemer Church of Dubai. She is the author of many books, including Labor with Hope; Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full; and Glimpses of Grace.
Kathleen Nielson (PhD, Vanderbilt University) is an author and speaker who loves working with women in studying the Scriptures. After directing the Gospel Coalition’s women’s initiatives from 2010–2017, she now serves as senior adviser and book editor for TGC. She and her husband, Niel, make their home partly in Wheaton, Illinois, and partly in Jakarta, Indonesia. They have three sons, two daughters-in-law, and five granddaughters.
The Bible makes it clear that both men and women are created in the image of God and are meant to dedicate their lives in service to Him. However, the question arises regarding what this entails specifically for women within the church.

This compilation of essays, authored by respected Bible teachers like Gloria Furman, Nancy Guthrie, and Susan Hunt, serves as a guide for church leaders to contemplate the characteristics of a Bible-centered women's ministry.

Addressing various relevant topics, such as the significance of intergenerational relationships, the Bible's teachings on sexuality, and the roles of women in both the church and the home, this book provides valuable insights and practical guidance. It is an essential resource for those interested in enhancing the well-being and vibrancy of the local church.

Additional Resources

1. Book Review: Word-Filled Women’s Ministry
Check out this book review by Jamie Dunlop, associate pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC.

2. How Jesus Viewed and Valued Women - Article by  James A. Borland

Read this article for three clear examples of how Jesus valued women and how it was countercultural during his time.

3. Parakaleo Malaysia - A ministry supporting and training ministry-minded women

In the busyness of ministry, we can often forget the gospel for our own heart. Parakaleo Malaysia is a ministry that comes alongside women in church leadership and church planting. Their goal is to equip woman with practical theology for everyday life and ministry. Parakaleo creates a safe space for women to experience genuine community centred on the gospel.

4. How Healthy Is the Women’s Ministry in Your Church? - Article by Melissa Kruger

Read this article for a few questions to help evaluate the overall health of women’s ministry in your church.

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