Welcome to the Book Corner

The Book Corner

Every month, a new ebook will be made available on The Book Corner.

There will be complementary content that comes with certain books, such as:
  • Gospel Bites -  Exclusive training videos or conversations related to the ebook
  • General resources on related subject curated for you
  • Seminars, conferences or webinars

You can find all the books here for easy reference.
At The Book Corner, you will find

  • Flip books of all the ebooks made available since Jan 2022 
  • A link to purchase the books should you want to keep a physical or digital copy
  • A link to content designed to go with the ebook
  • A catalogue of books in the Book Corner

Book Catalogue

Click on the book cover to access the relevant content.
You may read or download the books for personal use only. These books are provided in partnership with Crossway, 9 Marks and Redeemer City to City.
Used with permission.

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(July 2024 Free Ebook)

Paul David Tripp presents a more Biblical approach to parenting than mere rule-keeping. He introduces 14 principles centred on the gospel that will profoundly alter parents' understanding of nurturing a child, impacting every aspect of their parental journey. This edition also features thought-provoking study questions for each chapter, designed to help individuals and groups delve deeper into each topic.