FREE EBOOK for November 2023

Grace at Work

Redeeming the Grind and the Glory of Your Job

Read the book here

Used with permission. In partnership with Crossway.


Bryan Chapell is a bestselling author of many books, including Christ-Centered Preaching and Holiness by Grace. He is pastor emeritus of the historic Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, Illinois; president emeritus of Covenant Theological Seminary; and president of Unlimited Grace Media (, which broadcasts daily messages of gospel hope in many nations.  
Many view their jobs as mundane daily routines, but Bryan Chapell challenges this perception by highlighting the profound potential of work in the book 'Grace at Work.' He underscores how our work can serve as a means to fulfil God's purpose and showcase His grace, allowing us to bear His image and express His nature through our professional efforts and integrity.

In this book, Chapell emphasises that jobs are unique callings to exhibit God's character and care. By recognising the deeper purpose and mission in our daily tasks, we can rise above drudgery and self-interest and transform our work into acts of worship.

Additional Resources

1. Resource Global (Network of Christian Marketplace Leaders)

Resource Global engages Christians in the workplace on faith and work. They are especially keen to journey with young marketplace leaders in their faith on what it means to live out the Gospel at work with the goal of restoring lives.

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What is Resource Global?

Interview with a Cohort Member

2. Gospel at Work (A Faith & Work Programme)

Gospel at Work is City to City Asia Pacific’s foundational Faith & Work small group program in collaboration with the Global Faith & Work Initiative to plant seeds and grow city movements of gospel centered believers who shine the light of Christ in their workplaces, families, and communities. 

A program for business and ministry leaders, Gospel at Work has four primary aims:
1. Encourage gospel renewal in every heart
2. Build gospel centered community
3. Integrate faith at work, home, church, and within the community
4. Ignite a gospel centered movement among business leaders

3. How Can Pastors Encourage Congregants in their Work Life - TGC Q&A with Matt Rusten